executive committee Duties and Responsibilities
1. Chairman
Each Department Chair shall be accountable to theVP for Medical Services and shall have the following responsibilities:
A. To the Medical Staff
o Act as spokesperson for the department or service:
o Serve ascoordinating point by providing information about hospital and medical staffaffairs to members of the department or section;
o Develop and implement Department programs for:
1. Orientation of newmembers,
2. Credential reviewand privileges delineation for new members and renewal of membership,
3. Continuing medicaleducation
4. Utilization review,and
5. Concurrent andretrospective evaluation of practice
o Transmit to the appropriate authorities as required in these Bylaws, the Department?srecommendations concerning appointment, reappointment, delineation of clinical privileges and disciplinary action with respect to members of the Department.
o Counsel, gives advice or admonish individual members of the department or section when thereare questions concerning clinical performance, disregard for reasonable rules,lack of respect for co-workers, inefficient practice, suspected impairment, orpractice outside the limits of the clinical privileges that have been awarded;
o Evaluate causes for and participate in responses to untoward incidents involving members of thedepartment of service;
o Provide continuing medical education; and
o Obtain medical staff cooperation to attain hospital accreditation by third parties.
o Responsible for the over-all supervision of professional and administrative activities of his/herdepartment
o Recommends section chiefs
o Supervises the teaching and research programs of the department
B. Patient Care
o Assess and recommend to the relevant MMC authority space issues and off-site sources for needed patientcare services not provided by the Department or the hospital;
o Recommend a sufficient number of qualified and competent persons to provide care orservices; and
o Determine the qualifications and competence of Department or Service personnel who are notlicensed independent practitioners and who provide patient care services.
C. To the Medical Services Division:
o Maintain continuing review of the professional performance of all members with clinical privilegeswithin the Department with appropriate documentation thereof.
o Assist in development and enforcement of MMC policies and Medical Staff Bylaws, Rules andRegulations and the requirements and Rules and Regulations (if any) of the Department;
o Implement within theDepartment actions taken by the Medical Services Executive Committee; and
o Perform such otherduties commensurate with his/her office as may from time to time be assigned bythe VP for Medical Services, or the Board of Directors of Medical Doctors, In
2. Assistant Chairman for Administrative Function
Inthe absence of the Department Chair, ensures that members of the department adhere to hospital?s quality objectives, hospital and medical staff rules and regulations and department policies.
- Duties and Responsibilities
Each Department Vice-Chair shall be accountable tothe Department Chair and to the VP for Medical Services and shall have the following responsibilities.
o In the absence ofthe Chairman, counsels, gives advice or admonishes individual members of thedepartment or section when there are questions concerning clinical performance disregard for reasonable rules, and lack of respect for co-workers, inefficientpractice, suspected impairment, or practice outside the limits of the clinical privileges that have been awarded.
o Act as spokesperson for the department or in the absence of the chair.
o Evaluate causes for and participate in responses to untoward incident involving members of thedepartment or service.
o Serve ascoordinating point by providing information about hospital and medical staffaffairs to members of the department.
o Plan and conduct meeting of the department in the absence of the chair.
o Develop and follows a department policy and procedure manual.
3. Department Training Officer
Under general supervision, the medical trainingofficer plans, organizes, directs and conducts the training program for theresidency staff of the Department of Medicine.
o Assists in planning,organizing and directing training programs.
o Orients the residentstaff on hospital policies and routines and promotes efficiency throughinstruction in supervisory methods and proper job performance.
o Establishes the standards for the training program
o Prepares training materials such as guidelines and handouts to be used by trainees.
o Schedule and arranges lectures, demonstration and symposia.
o Prepares training schedules and plan the administrative aspects of the training program.
o Follows up the program to evaluate effectiveness of training and determines the need forrevision of methods and materials.
o Coordinates training activities with other departments and with the Philippine College of Physicians
o Performs such other related work in the interest of service.
o Qualifications
o Must be an activestaff of the Makati Medical Center
o Must be both a Diplomateand Fellow of the Philippine College of Physician
4. Assistant Training Officer
Assists the Department Training Officer in thevarious responsibilities as outlined especially in the absence of theDepartment Training Officer.
5. Section Chief
o Responsible for theoverall supervision of professional and administrative activities of his / herrespective subspecialty section to conform with the requirements of SubspecialtySociety.
o Recommends SectionTraining Officer
o Supervises theteaching and research programs of his / respective section
o Responsible for theaccreditation of its graduates
6. Section Training Officer
The Section-Training Officer plans, organizes,directs and conducts training programs of the section.
o Assists in planning,organizing and directing the training programs of the fellowship-in -trainingand residents rotating in his/her section.
o Orients theFellows-in-training and Resident Rotatee on section policies and routines andpromotes efficiency through instruction and supervision of proper jobperformance.
o Prepares trainingmaterials to be used by trainees
o Prepares trainingschedules and plans the administrative aspects of the training program.
o Follows up programsto evaluate effectiveness of training and determine the need for revision ofmethods and materials.
o Coordinatesactivities with the other departments, sections and with the specialty boardconcerned.
o Secures informationfrom and remains aware of the current training programs prescribed by thesub-specialty board concerned and establishes standards for training programsin his/her section.
o Assists in theselection of trainees
o Performs such othertask in the interest of the service.
7. Chief Resident:
The position is available by selection. Finalappointment is by the chairman of the department with the concurrence of theExecutive Committee. The appointment is usually made at the end of PGT 3.
o Theposition of Chief Resident is bestowed by the Chairman of the Department, on aresident who is judged to have leadership qualities and who will be able toperform the administrative duties the position requires.
o TheChief Resident acts as a liaison between the members of the resident staff, andthe following: the consultant staff of the Department of Medicine, theResidency Training Committee, the Chairman of the Department of Medicine, theHospital Postgraduate Training Committee and the Medical Director of the Hospital.
o The Chief Resident, with the supervision of the Training Officer, maps out theschedule of rotations of each resident. This shall be submitted for final approvalby the Residency Training Officer by the first week of December of each year.
o Hemust be available at all times to assist his junior residents in responding tocomplex problems that may arise.
o Hemakes regular rounds of problematic cases in both the HSP and private wards.
o TheChief Resident shall construct the schedule and duties of each resident in thedepartment, which will be submitted for final approval by the ResidencyTraining Officer by the first day of the month. Changes in these schedulesshall be made known and approved by the Residency Training Officer.
o TheChief Resident shall maintain a logbook of absences and late arrivals of allresidents, which shall be inspected by the RTO/members of the Residency TrainingCommittee from time to time.
o The Chief Resident is responsible for the maintenance and update of records of theDepartment of Medicine pertinent to Residency Training: records of admissionand discharges, records of referrals and procedures performed by members of resident staff.
o The Chief Resident shall submit a report at the end of his tenure as Chief Residentbased on the annual report required by the Philippine College of Physicians (PCP).
1. Executive Committee:
The Executive Committee consists of the Chairman of the Department of Medicine, Training Officer, and theHead of the different sections of the department namely: Cardiology,Gastroenterology, Hematology, Pulmonary Medicine, Infectious Disease,Endocrinology, Nephrology, Rheumatology , Oncology, Immunology / Allergology,General Medicine and the officer-in-charge of the HSP program.
The Executive Committee is primarily responsible for developing, interpreting, and enforcing program policy. It will receivereports of all other committees for either information or action.
The committee will meet regularly every month. TheChairman at the request of any member may call special meetings.
2. Resident Progress, Promotions and Evaluation ofClinical Competency Committee: (RPPC)
This committee willbe constituted annually by doctors other than the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will be the oneto determine who the members will be. The committee will be subdivided to three subcommittees namely: RESIDENTS?AFFAIRS AND GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE, RESEARCH COMMITTEE AND EXAMINATIONS COMMITTEE. The committee will advise the Executive Committee on the following areas:
o Periodic review (at least quarterly) of clinical performance of trainees.
o Recommendations for remediation of trainees whose performance is marginal or satisfactory.
o Followup and review of prescribed remediation.
o Recommendations for promotion or for the dismissal of residents whose performance is unsatisfactory.
o Periodic assessment of methodologies used in the evaluation of trainees with recommendations for changes, if appropriate.
3. Residents? Affairs and Grievance Committee:
The GrievanceCommittee consists of representatives from the various sections of thedepartment, who are not members of the Executive Committee. Their term of office is three years. Thecommittee will constantly observe due process and recommend sanctions, whichare commensurate and fair. The Committee sees to it that procedures are appropriately executed.
The committee will meet regularly every two months following the Executive Committee meeting. The Chairperson or the Chairman of theDepartment may call special meetings.
4. Admission Committee:
The Admission Committee is an ad hoc committee. The chairman recruits the members, which may include the members of theExecutive Committee and the sole purpose is to select incoming residents. The committee will complete the following objectives:
1. Executethe selection policies of the Executive Committee.
2. Conductthe application process, including interview and selection process, assuring programcompliance with the Philippine College of Physicians guidelines and prevailing ethical standards.
3. Advisethe Executive Committee regarding matters of program development.
Meetings will be called annually or as needed depending on the discretion of the Chairman. Othersubcommittees may be created as deemed necessary by the Chairman.
5. Committee on Major Conferences
Supervisesthe conduct of the Medical Grandrounds and the Morbidity and Mortality Conferences to ensure that the learning objectives are met in every conference. The residents are graded accordingly.