To be described below are the developments from each respective committees:

PEER Review Committee

·       Takes part in the Credentialing and Privileging of the consultant staff

·       Discusses the different issues that the Ethics committees have raised to them as to any misconduct of the staff

·       Discusses issues that the Audit Committee will raise to them

·       Assures that the requirements of the staff are always complete and updated ( license, etc.)


Information Technology

 This committee shall prepare a back up copy of all documents of the department related to all of its essential activities and functions, including those of the various sections and committees, both standing and ad hoc. It shall likewise assist the department in organizing the documentation of its policies and procedures which serve as bases for its routine operations, and other documents required for accreditation with various accrediting bodies, both local and international.

Community service


Medical Audit Committee

·      Discusses the Mortality and Morbidity cases of the preceding month. Such cases shall submitted by each section on the first week of each month.

·      Comes up with a case that will be presented by the resident staff for the monthly M & M conference.

·      Discusses any sentinel event/ incident report that each section would raise to the committee.

·      Submits recommendations to the Executive Committee.

·      If recommendations would involve wrong management of the case, the issue shall be raised to Peer Review Committee first then to the Execomm.

Scientific Activities

·       Spearheads postgraduate courses


Ways and Means

·       Oversees the funds of the department  and the financial resources for any departmental project


Ethics Committee of the department:

·       Discusses any problems involving patient- patient and physician- patient relationship.

·       Discusses any misbehavior of a consultant staff.

Social Activities

·       Coordinates the department’s social events like birthday tribute, Christmas parties, intradepartmental events



·       Headed by the residents’ training officer

·       Oversees the residents’ activities ( research, grievance, promotion, examination, conferences)


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